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'The day my brother died in Egypt's revolution'

KimkasJK 13 years 2 days ago

Thanks for the helpful post.

The decision to travel to Sudan

mytravel12 13 years 18 weeks ago

Sudan, I have heard about this place. There are some places which are really very beautiful but people are don't know about this places and they are aware about its beauty. I think tourist should visit this place at once and only think about the...

Sudan: A temple too far in Dongola

mytravel 13 years 27 weeks ago

Dongola is the tourist friendly place to travel. This is not very famous place to travel but there are number of hidden beauties are there over here. There are many tourist visit this place and they really enjoy after visit this place. In India...

Speeding up and slowing down; travelling versus tourism

Shimla India 13 years 30 weeks ago

Sudan and South Sudan tourism itself is interesting. Over all tourism is great that one lost him in that. good travel and tourism is the always great.

Speeding up and slowing down; travelling versus tourism

chrisanthi 13 years 31 weeks ago

Hey triple H thank you so much!! Don't worry we are keeping safe - in fact you would not believe how safe we feel right now in Khartoum. The people are amazing. Big hugs being sent your way. X

Speeding up and slowing down; travelling versus tourism

helen bishop 13 years 31 weeks ago

Thinking of you guys and loving all the stories! Keep it up, but most of all keep safe!

Advertisements of hope, people of desperation

chrisanthi 13 years 35 weeks ago

Hi Jay and Hi Ang,
Jay, we're very glad you found the site too and thanks very much for the well wishes - all comments very appreciated.

Ang, love you heaps koukla mou. You've brought a huge smile to my face. Filia polla polla polla...

Advertisements of hope, people of desperation

flatfootedadventurer 13 years 35 weeks ago

Hi Steve,
It's a complicated story how I happened to find your site -- but I'm glad I did. I look forward to following the adventures of the pair of you through Africa -- good luck with everything.

Jay "The Flat Footed Avdenturer"...

Advertisements of hope, people of desperation

Angela 13 years 35 weeks ago

Just wanted to wish you both happy trails.
Love you to bits and will be travelling with you (online).
So excited for you.
Kalo taksidi, take care kai ta matia 14!!!!!

ps: goosepimples with the Pyx Lax 'soundtrack'.